Ukranian Economy.

Ukranian Economy

Maior natural resources
The major natural resources are black earth (a quarter of the overall world reserve), coal, iron and manganese ores, uranium, graphite, rock salt, ond raw materials for construction.

Gross national product
The GNP is a measure of the total annual value of goods produced and services rendered by the country.
In 2005 Ukraine's GNP amounted to U.S. $ 71.40 billion; in per capita terms, U.S. $ 1520.
The index of human potential development is middleof-the-road: 95th place in the world.

Maior industries
These include a complex of mining plants; ferrous and nonferrous metallurgies; diversified mechanical engineering and instrument-making; light and food industries; and well-developed power engineering (thermoelectric, hydroelectric, and nuclear power plants).

Exports and imports
Ukraine mointains foreign trode relotions with more thon 180 countries.
In the exports, the largest share is that of row materiols; in the imports, of energy carriers ond equipment.
The main trading partners are Russia, Turkmenistan, Germany, China, and Belarus.

System standards
Ukraine uses a metric system of units:
- length is measured in kilometers, meters, ond centimeters;
- weight, in tons. kilograms, and grams;
- area, in hectares and square meters;